Knight Residential Services can help with most home upgrades, renovations and remodeling projects at rates that are far more affordable than a specialized contractor. 

Home Upgrades, Renovation and Remodeling Can:

Increase your home’s value. 

Increase your enjoyment of your home.

Organize and ensure that your home meets your needs.

Save money compared to constantly maintaining and repairing aged construction.

Value: Real Estate investors amass fortunes by buying homes that need renovation and then reselling those homes for a substantial profit.  Why not renovate yourself and keep that profit?

Enjoyment:  How owners frequently remodel their homes before selling and when the renovation is complete they almost always say the same thing “Wow, I wish I’d done that sooner!”  Don’t make the same mistake!  If you’re going to remodel before selling your home then why not renovate right away so you and your family get to enjoy those upgrades before you decide to sell.  As an added bonus you’ll be able to sell your house faster and easier when the time comes.

Organization & Special Needs: Knight Residential Services can help you design custom closets (some people like to call them “California Closets”), custom pantries and specialized garage or attic organizational systems.  We offer custom built solutions as well as the modules sold by big name companies and either way you’ll get superior craftsmanship and customer service at a fraction of the big name companies price.  Bring us a quote from a custom closet company and we’ll beat it every time.  We can also help with special needs upgrades like childproofing and handicap accommodations.

Save Money: Let’s face it, old kitchens, bathrooms and aged construction require a lot maintenance and repairs.  Old sinks are going to leak.  Old grout and caulking are going to let water through.  Old wood is going to rot.  And after fixing those problems you still have an old room that will eventually need remodeled.  Of course all those problems can be solved right away by remodeling and you’ll save yourself the cost and aggravation of all the ongoing repairs.

(407) 357-0500

