Dear landlords, property managers and real estate investors,

Did you know that your rental property will rent faster and at higher rates if you thoroughly clean, repair, renovate and landscape between tenants?  Unfortunately most real estate investors don’t have the knowledge, time or experience to handle turn key services properly and hiring several different contractors is both expensive and inconvenient.  Knight Residential Services has more than 25 years of experience getting properties ready to rent and can help make the whole process fast, convenient and affordable.  Our services will also help ensure the long term value of your property and of course by reducing the time your property is on the market and helping maximize your rent our services typically pay for themselves. 

Did you know that responding quickly to repair requests from your tenants will reduce turnover and save you money?    Knight Residential Services is an expert at dealing with tenant repairs and our rates are typically far lower than specialized contractors.  Why deal with costly turnover and aggravating tenants when one call can save you time, money and hassle? 

A good handyman can be one of the most valuable tools a real estate investor can have and Knight Residential Services knows that real estate investors can be some of the most valuable long term clients a handyman can have.  In addition to taking excellent care of your property we’ll take excellent care of your tenants.   We make property management easier, more convenient and more profitable.  Give us a call and we’ll earn your business for life. 


Knight Residential Services

(407) 357-0500


Let Knight Residential Services handle all your tenant repairs and turn-key services!  We can also help maintain your rental property or rehab your property before selling.


